The State of Madness Today

I have not been posting much right wing garbage lately, because it has seemingly all converged on a single stupid narrative, and there are only so many laughs we can get out of the same jokes over and over again. However, today I would like to present you with some excerpts from a single article, the contents of which have appeared at a number of right wing sites lately, and which I think is an excellent summation of the current state of their "thinking." As usual, I cannot resist a few reflections of my own along the way. So, let's get started: “My Fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us.”…John F. Kennedy Jr. 8:30 am EST Thurs. 25 Nov. 2021, (on his 61st birthday)." Because of course it is. I just wish the storm would hit L.A. already- we could use the rain. "The Earth is now under Military Law – the biggest military operation in history – with troops of 17 Nations under leadership of General Flynn fighting for the liberation of Humanity." Because of c...