Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, I'm back. Let's just start out here with a wonderful picture, which I have seen multiple times in the last few days, just to get us off in the right mood: Because we can all imagine Trump getting his suit wet to save a couple of babies. My opinion is that they are babies with cancer, and he is taking them into the water to drown them so he can steal the money people donated for their health care. And on we go. Let's just start with one of those guys with a broken caps lock key. Wingnuts never replace broken keyboards because even the cheap ones cost as much as a whole bunch of Oxycontin. "MATT GAETZ ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT, SMALL HELOS ALL OVER THE LA AREA, CARGO SHIP CRISIS A MILITARY OP, MILITARY OP IN SAN FRANCISCO, ADRENOCHROME FACTORIES SHUT DOWN, CLOSER TO BIG WAKE UP EVENT, RED OCTOBER, HUNTERS MOON, ALEC BALDWIN RITUAL KILLING ON SET, JAB VICTIM TELLS HER STORY, GOV TRYING TO GENOCIDE AMERICAN CHILDREN, MASSIVE STORM HEADING TO NE, BIDEN STATES ...