Wingnut Wrapup

It's been a while since I have done one of these, because the lunatic ravings of the right have become so repetitive that, for the most part, you've heard it all a hundred times before. However, I think it's time to take a peak at what they are up to. I want to start with a new explanation that wingnuts are offering for the incredible weather disturbances we see regularly now, and that all sane people know are a product of global warming. Of course, these jackasses, who are willing to literally kill themselves rather than admit the truth about Covid, have a thousand other explanations. This is one I expect to see quite a bit in the future. Does anyone remember HAARP? HAARP, or the The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, was a research project whose goal was to develop enhanced radio communication. But to the right, it formed the basis of one of their most enduring bits of lying propaganda. It was claimed (without a shred of evidence,...