Wingnut Wrapup

The idiocy is really out in force these days. I'm guessing that, despite all the bluster, the wingnuts really know what is looming ahead for their malignant conspiracy against the country. So here we go: Allahpundit: "Dem Rep: Uh, No, I Don’t Want To Ban All Semiautomatic Weapons" This story is all over the wingnut world today: Another example" Guy Benson, Town Hall: "House Democrat: Actually, We Should Not Ban All Semi-Automatic Weapons" Benson continues, as you would expect, with one of the great Conservative lies of all time: "the constitution guarantees the right to private gun ownership" But my intention here is not to add one more drop to the ocean of words about guns and the Constitution; rather to once again point out that Republicans are so authoritarian in nature that they just cannot fathom that a Democrat would disagree for one second with the dictated party line. This sort of capitulation to leaders is the fodder o...