Wingnut Wrapup

This was a travel day for me, so not a lot of posts; however, I couldn't go to sleep without my survey of the moonscape of lunacy that is the right wing:

David Limbaugh: Conservatives Aren't the Extremists
Conservatives are not the ones who sermonize about tolerance yet demonstrate intolerance...

Oh no, David, not you. No, you would never do that.

Suzanne Fields: No Slouching Toward Confirmation

Suzanne, how about slouching toward the exits. Really, it would be a big favor for all of us.

A Conversation with Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS): Guantanamo - They STILL Don’t Have A Plan

Unlike you guys, Sam, when you opened the place. You had a plan, alright- a really bad one.

Red State: Obama Should Have Gone To Baghdad
The President Missed A Golden Opportunity To Support A Nascent Democracy

A nascent democracy? You mean that the Obama administration missed a golden opportunity to live in the same deranged fantasy world you do?

Guys, that's actually a good thing. No, really.

Moe Lane: Whom the Gods would destroy, they first send Joe Biden

Yes, but whom the Republicans would destroy, they first send Bush and Cheney. So far, unfortunately, the Republicans have had more luck than the Gods.

By the way, are you sure you are not really Moe Howard? You sure talk like him.

Little Pammy Geller: Obama to Ummah: "America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam"
And it only got worse. It was terrible. My heart is heavy for my country and the free world.

Because, God forbid that America is not at war with Islam, Pammy. My heart is heavy too, but mostly when I read your blog.

Victor Davis Hanson: For the first time, we have a president who ascribes to relativism as his philosophy of governance.

Unlike the previous president, who ascribed to theft as his philosophy of government. You know what, Victor? That remark of yours is pure stupidity, and you know it. Oh well, I guess you have to make a living.

Christopher Orlet: Parliament of Porn Stars- Is this the best Louisiana can do?

Chris, sorry, but you know what? I think it is.

Rachel Marsden: From Susan Boyle To Hitler: Why Some Simply Can’t Hack Fame

God, can't you guys go through a day without bringing up Hitler? I know you really have a crush on the guy, but really, Susan Boyle? Please try to show some restraint. It'll do us all some good.

National Review Online: Sotomayor’s Mistake

Which, apparently, was that she wasn't born a white male.

I have to confess that this article was too ludicrous for me to get very far into it. I think I got the gist of it right, though.

And one final note: I am pleased to be the first to inform you that World Net Daily has broken its own record, set only yesterday, by publishing eleven- eleven- posts about Obama's birth certificate. For that kind of effort, our hats are off to you, guys. Keep it up; I'm convinced you are on the verge of a great breakthrough, any decade now.


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