This is Journalism?

Oh, L. A. Times:

"He is the Republican Dream Date, a smooth-speaking, polished product of Illinois, as comfortable with Facebook as a face-to-face. John McCain's daughter gushed over him as the future of the party. He blogs for the liberal webzine Huffington Post, which said he sports the best abs in Congress. TMZ trails him like a pop star.

And he is two decades younger than Barack Obama.

Aaron Schock, 27, hasn't wanted for attention since being elected to the House of Representatives last fall. He has bounced from Stephen Colbert's show to CNN, and his own videos go viral on YouTube.

Much of the interest stems from his unlined face and full head of brown hair. (He recently brushed aside a suggestion from Howard Kurtz on CNN that he take off his jacket and show his physique for TMZ, which had asked Schock to compare his abs to President Obama's.)"

Notice anything missing from this piece of unutterable garbage? A single reference to this Republican stud's political views. And they talk about the press supposedly gushing with man-love for Obama.

By the way, don't you think that if this hunk had positions any different from the rest of the neanderthal Republican herd, that would have made it into this article? But no. Maybe Republicans, and their toadies in the press really do believe that Obama's success is all about the unrequited love of millions of voters, and this is their answer- Just as cute as Obama, and not even black!

And now a word for James Oliphant, the writer of this pathetic screed: Guy, I know the L. A. Times finally got rid of Jonah Goldberg. What did they do, transplant his brain into you before he left?


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